केंद्रीय औद्योगिक सुरक्षा बल (CISF) द्वारा कांस्टेबल ड्राइवर पदों पर भर्ती के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण अधिसूचना जारी की गई है। यह भर्ती योग्य और इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों के लिए एक शानदार अवसर है। भर्ती से संबंधित आवेदन तिथियाँ, पात्रता मानदंड, चयन प्रक्रिया, और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी इस लेख में विस्तार से दी गई है।
यदि आप CISF कांस्टेबल ड्राइवर भर्ती 2025 के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, तो इस लेख को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और आवेदन प्रक्रिया को सही तरीके से पूरा करें।
CISF कांस्टेबल ड्राइवर भर्ती 2025: आवेदन प्रक्रिया
इन पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन कैसे करना है, इसकी विस्तृत जानकारी नीचे दी गई है। आवेदन करने से पहले आधिकारिक अधिसूचना को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें, जिससे आवेदन के दौरान किसी प्रकार की त्रुटि न हो।
महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी और आवेदन प्रक्रिया जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें।
CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 : Overviews
Post Name | CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 : कांस्टेबल ड्राईवर बहाली 10वीं पास ऐसे करे ऑनलाइन आवेदन |
Post Date | 22/01/2025 |
Post Type | Job Vacancy |
Vacancy Post Name | Constable / Driver |
Total Post | 1124 |
Apply Start Date | 03/02/2025 |
Apply Last Date | 04/03/2025 |
Apply Mode | Online |
Official Website | cisfrectt.in |
CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 : Short Details | CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 : ये भर्ती कांस्टेबल ड्राईवर के पदों के लिए निकाली गयी है | इन पदों पर भर्ती को लेकर ऑफिसियल नोटिस जारी कर जानकारी दी गयी है | इसके लिए आवेदन कब से कब तक लिए जायेगे , इसके लिए आवेदन करने के लिए क्या योग्यता रखी गयी है इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी इस आर्टिकल में दी गयी है | अगर आप इन पदों के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते है तो इस आर्टिकल को पूरा जरुर पढ़े | |
CISF कांस्टेबल ड्राइवर भर्ती 2025: महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ और आवेदन शुल्क
CISF कांस्टेबल ड्राइवर भर्ती 2025 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू हो चुकी है। इच्छुक उम्मीदवार निर्धारित तिथियों के भीतर आवेदन कर सकते हैं। आवेदन प्रक्रिया, महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ और आवेदन शुल्क से जुड़ी संपूर्ण जानकारी नीचे दी गई है।
महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ (Important Dates)
इन पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन की प्रक्रिया निम्नलिखित तिथियों के अनुसार संपन्न होगी। आवेदकों को समय सीमा के भीतर आवेदन करना आवश्यक है।
✅ ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रारंभ तिथि: 03 फरवरी 2025
✅ ऑनलाइन आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि: 04 मार्च 2025
✅ आवेदन मोड: ऑनलाइन
✅ परीक्षा तिथि: निर्धारित कार्यक्रम के अनुसार
आवेदन शुल्क (Application Fee)
आवेदन करने के लिए आवेदकों को वर्ग के अनुसार आवेदन शुल्क जमा करना होगा। शुल्क का भुगतान ऑनलाइन मोड में किया जा सकता है।
- सामान्य (General) / आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग (EWS) / अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग (OBC): ₹100/-
- अनुसूचित जाति (SC) / अनुसूचित जनजाति (ST) / पूर्व सैनिक (ESM): ₹0/- (नि:शुल्क)
- भुगतान का माध्यम: ऑनलाइन (डेबिट कार्ड, क्रेडिट कार्ड, नेट बैंकिंग, UPI आदि)
CISF Constable Recruitment 2025 : Post Details
Post Name | Number of Post |
Constable / Driver | 845 |
Constable / Driver Cum Pump Operator | 279 |
CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025: Education Qualification
The CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 is open only for male candidates. To be eligible for this recruitment, candidates must meet specific educational and physical standards. The educational qualification required for these positions is as follows:
- Class 10th Matriculation Examination: The candidate must have passed the Class 10th exam (Matriculation) from any recognized board in India.
- Driving License: Candidates must hold a Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) or Transport Vehicle license, or alternatively, a Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) or Motor Cycle with Gear license.
- Experience: Applicants must have a minimum of 3 years of driving experience either with Heavy Motor Vehicles or Transport Vehicles or Light Motor Vehicles or Motor Cycle with Gear.
In addition to the educational and driving requirements, candidates must also meet specific physical standards to qualify for the role:
- Height: The minimum height requirement is 167 CMS.
- Chest: Candidates must have a chest size between 80-85 CMS.
- 800 Meter Run: The candidate should be able to complete a run of 800 meters in 03 minutes 15 seconds.
- Long Jump: A minimum distance of 11 feet should be jumped in 3 attempts.
- High Jump: A height of 3 feet 6 inches should be cleared in 3 attempts.
For more detailed information, candidates are advised to read the official notification thoroughly.
CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025: Age Limit
The age limit for the CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 has been defined to ensure that candidates are within the eligible age range. It is important for all applicants to be aware of the age criteria before applying for the positions. The details of the age limit are as follows:
- Minimum Age Limit: The candidate must be at least 21 years old.
- Maximum Age Limit: The candidate must not exceed the age of 27 years.
It is essential that candidates ensure their age falls within this range to be eligible for the recruitment process.
CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025: How to Apply Online
To apply for the CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025, candidates must follow a systematic process. The application process is entirely online, and candidates should ensure that they follow all the steps carefully to avoid any errors.
- First, visit the official website of the CISF recruitment. The link to the website will be provided below.
- On the official website, look for the “Apply Online” link for the CISF Constable Driver Recruitment.
- Click on the link, and you will be prompted to register yourself by providing the required details.
- Once registered, you will receive a Login ID and Password.
- Use these credentials to log in to the portal and proceed with the online application process.
It is crucial that applicants complete all steps accurately and submit the required documents before the application deadline. For further details, candidates should refer to the official notification available on the website.
CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 : Important Links
For Online Apply | Registration / Login |
Check Official Notification | Click Here |
Home Page | Click Here |
Join Telegram | Click Here |
Join WhatsApp | Click Here |
Railway Group D Vacancy 2025 | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
1. Who is eligible to apply for CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025?
The CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 is open only to male candidates who meet the required educational qualifications, driving experience, and physical standards.
2. What is the required educational qualification for this recruitment?
Candidates must have passed the Class 10th Matriculation Exam from any recognized board in India. Additionally, a valid Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) or Transport Vehicle driving license is required, along with 3 years of relevant driving experience.
3. What are the age limits for applicants?
The minimum age limit for applicants is 21 years, while the maximum age limit is 27 years. Candidates must ensure that they fall within this age range to be eligible.
4. What are the physical standards for this recruitment?
Candidates must have a height of 167 CMS, a chest size of 80-85 CMS, and be able to perform physical tests such as running 800 meters in 03 minutes 15 seconds, performing a long jump of 11 feet, and a high jump of 3 feet 6 inches.
5. How can I apply for the CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025?
To apply, visit the official CISF website, register by providing the necessary details, and complete the online application process using the Login ID and Password provided.
The CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 offers a great opportunity for male candidates who meet the educational, driving experience, and physical standards. Interested candidates must ensure they meet the age limits and physical requirements before applying. The application process is simple and online, requiring registration and submission of necessary documents. Candidates are encouraged to carefully read the official notification and apply before the deadline to avoid any issues.